TiO2 binder

After looking through some further videos of building dye solar cells to find out what might be used as a binder for the Titanium Dioxide, it seems that ethanol can be used. It is great to find that out as I already it and in general it is an easy to come by ingredient with little restrictions. Vinegar was also used here as a binder.

How to make a solar cell at home

This video above shows the use of Nitric acid as a binder for the Titanium Dioxide. Hopefully I can find something a little more everyday and less noxious than Nitric acid.

These folks use ethanol and mention that propanol and dilute nitric acid can also be used. Ethanol is much more easy to come by and less noxious.

Titanium Dioxide is used as a whitener and is found in toothpaste, suncream and as a pigment for paints. However when it is in powder form precautions need to be take to ensure that it is not inhaled as it is classed as a suspected carcinogen.

An old article from the guardian newspaper discusses the decision by the EU to only list the warning on the powder from.

nick Stevens

Designer and PhD Candidate

University of Oslo


Dye solar cell links


Material exploration workshop