Just add an egg…
Of course buying Titanium Oxide as a pigment from an art supplies shop means that it is in powder form. In order to adhere the titanium to a backing material it needs a binder. Carrying on with the art supplies reference, egg has been historically used as a binder for paints for centuries. Maybe that could be used?
Basic egg tempura recipes describe using a little water to thin out an egg yolk then adding pigment.
It makes a lovely creamy paste
And of course it makes a wonderful paint! it has a lovely shimmering effect, which I think it the oxide itself.
Using the doctor blading technique to deposit a layer of titanium on a aluminium plate with pixelated pattern masking.
After deposited layer after the doctor blading
But of course! after heating the pigment to set it to the plate, it burns as it is an organic medium.